Calendar for Roleplayers and Writers
Keep up to date with the 2026 calendar, join the newsletter below.

365 Questions for your Character to grow
Whether you are a role-player or a writer, this Calendar is for you. It’s all about developing your character. With this Calendar, and its companion Journal, I’m giving you a helping hand, to let you get to know your character much better.
By asking you a question every day, you’ll slowly flesh out who your character is, and how they react in different situations.
The Calendar is a high-quality print, with a cover that folds back, so it can stand in a prominent place on your desk, or perhaps your kitchen counter 🙂
Every day features a question divided into 12 categories, like Personality Traits, Flaws and Weaknesses, and Skills and Talents. Every question has an example of how to answer it, and a little cartoon, to make you smile, and give you more ideas for your character development.
The questions are genre and system neutral, although the cartoons often lean towards fantasy 🙂

The Companion Journal
What better place to write the answers to all your character questions, than this companion journal.
It contains all the questions from the calendar, but without the guides and the daily cartoons. Instead, you get 200 pages where you can write the answers you think of when fleshing out your character.
The picture is a vision of what it could be. Depending on the success of the Kickstarter, I plan to have it leather bound, with gold foil on the front and with a bookmark ribbon to find your place.
You can buy the Calendar and Journal separately, or get them both at a favorable price.
The Calendar as a gift?
The calendar and journal is of course the perfect gift for any Role-players and Writers you know. If you’re thinking of giving this as a gift, I’m sure that you’ll appreciate knowing that the goal is getting these out in plenty of time for Christmas. Hopefully already in October/November.
What is a kickstarter?
If you haven’t tried kickstarter yet, it is a platform for small creators like me, to gather interest and funding for a project. Big companies have money to launch a product without knowing if it will sell. A small company can be ruined by a project going wrong, and often won’t even have the money to launch. This is what Kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms help with. With crowdfunding the creator can gather the resources before launching the project, and thus be able to launch their project without fear for it breaking them financially.
On Kickstarter one always mentions the risks of the project. So, as this is a prelude to that, I’m going to go through where I am in the project, and what my qualifications are. 🙂
Basically the risk of not finishing the project is almost zero.
First off, all the questions are done, the character sketches as well, and final drawings are currently being finished. This, to minimize the delay between the Kickstarters end date and the actual printing the calendars and journals.
Who am I then?
The person behind this project, and indeed this webpage, is Jesper Fledelius-Gehrke. I’m a Danish Graphic Designer, with 30+ years of experience in both analog and digital designs. I’ve published two magazines, one for young students that came out monthly in 30 000 copies, and a culture magazine that was distributed for free in Copenhagen. That one came out monthly as well, in 130 000 copies.
Besides those, I’ve designed just about most things that you can think of. Stands for fairs, packaging, roleplaying- and board game graphics, Disney activity books, and lots more. 🙂 Last, I’ve been a role-player for 43 years, and have several books on the way in the fantasy genre.
So I hope you can see, that I’m more than qualified for this project. And I hope you’re looking forward to this as much as I am 🙂

I need YOUR help
I hope that my calendar and Journal, will help your character grow, but I also need help.
Getting the word out about this Kickstarter is hard if you don’t have a big advertising budget. So I am relying much on word-of-mouth to get it out there.
So please share it on social media, spread the word when you talk with other role-players and writers and join the newsletter so you’ll know when to back for your copy. 😉
Keep updated
Keep up to date on when the Kickstarter goes live, and any other relevant information. It will most likely be June as printing, bookbinding, packaging and shipping will take months to do.
Join the newsletter, and I’ll keep you posted about what is happening with the Calendar and the Journal.
If you want to stay updated about what happens on Encounter Depot in general – you can join the normal newsletter here.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to spam you on either of them. 🙂